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Console Output

Started by timer
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MILC/workspace
Updating at revision HEAD
At revision 22

No changes for since the previous build
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rsync -az --delete -e ssh /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MILC/workspace/milc-nsf JYC_REMOTE:/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/
[SSH] script:

echo $PATH $SW_CONFIG $PYTHONPATH > /dev/null

cd milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3
ls -al
#cat -n remodule
#cp remodule /tmp
#chmod og+r /tmp/remodule
cp /u/staff/arnoldg/milc_bwjenkins/remodule  .
cat -n remodule
which swbuildwait
cat -n `which swbuildwait`

[SSH] executing...
total 33
drwxr-xr-x 3 bwjenkins BW_System 4096 Mar 14  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 bwjenkins BW_System 4096 Mar 14  2019 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 bwjenkins BW_System  258 Mar 14  2019 build-notes
-rw-r--r-- 1 bwjenkins BW_System    9 Mar 14  2019 .owners
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bwjenkins BW_System 1503 Mar 14  2019 rebuild
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bwjenkins BW_System 1559 Mar 14  2019 relink
-rw-r--r-- 1 bwjenkins BW_System  795 Mar 14  2019 remodule
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bwjenkins BW_System 2928 Mar 14  2019 retest
drwxr-xr-x 6 bwjenkins BW_System 4096 Dec 18 08:20 .svn
     1	  ### Set Environment (do not remove this line only change what is in between)
     2	  . ${MODULESHOME}/init/ksh
     3	#  module use /u/vendor/cray/dalton/modulefiles
     5	  module unload PrgEnv-intel
     6	  module unload PrgEnv-cray
     7	  module unload PrgEnv-gnu
     8	  module load PrgEnv-gnu
     9	#  module load PrgEnv-gnu
    10	#  module swap gcc gcc/4.9.3
    12	#module unload darshan
    13	#module load darshan/3.1.3
    14	#module load darshan/3.1.6
    15	  module load PrgEnv/gnu-7.3.0-cuda-9.1
    17	  ### End Environment (do not remove this line only change what is in between)
    19	  PACKAGE=milc-nsf
    20	  VERSION=v1
    24	# load any other module here
    26	#module load cray-hdf5
    28	export F77=gfortran
    29	export F90=gfortran
    30	export F9X=gfortran
    31	export FC=gfortran
    32	export F9X=gfortran
    33	export CC=gcc
    34	export CXX=g++
    36	#module load craype-hugepages2M
    38	#export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=static
    39	#
    40	#export F77=ftn
    41	#export F90=ftn
    42	#export F9X=ftn
    43	#export FC=ftn
    44	#export F9X=ftn
    45	#export CC=cc
    46	#export CXX=CC
    47	#module load cray-mpich-compat/v7
     1	#!/bin/sh
     3	realpath=`readlink -f .`
     4	build=`basename $realpath`
     6	version_dir=`dirname $realpath`
     7	version=`basename $version_dir`
     9	app_dir=`dirname $version_dir`
    10	app=`basename $app_dir`
    12	arch_dir=`dirname $app_dir`
    13	arch=`basename $arch_dir`
    15	echo "swbuild -s -a $app -v $version -b $build"
    16	swbuild -s -a $app -v $version -b $build 2>&1 | tee build.log
swbuild -s -a milc-nsf -v v1 -b cle5.2_gnu4.9.3
ModuleCmd_Load.c(244):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'PrgEnv/gnu-7.3.0-cuda-9.1'
# clear out old installation to prevent potential libtool chmod 
# commands from failing when reinstalled by another person
rm -rf bin lib include status test.log $SRCDIR

#clear out status file since re-making
rm -f status

tar xf /sw/sources/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/$SRCDIR.tar.gz
tar: milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/ks_imp_dyn2/.lastmake.Make_mpi.su3_rmd: implausibly old time stamp 1969-12-31 17:59:59
cd $SRCDIR/src/milc-nsf/ks_imp_dyn2

# Make clean
make -f Make_mpi clean
/bin/rm -f *.o
touch ../libraries/Make_vanilla

make -f Make_mpi su3_rmd

make -f Make_mpi target "MYTARGET= su3_rmd" \
	"GAUGE = symanzik_1loop_action.h" \
	"QUARK = asqtad_action.h" \
	"EXTRA_OBJECTS= dslash_fn2.o d_congrad5_fn.o"
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/ks_imp_dyn2'
Building libraries with Make_vanilla
cd ../libraries ;\
	make -f Make_vanilla   "APP_CC=cc   " all
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/libraries'
PLEASE CHECK COMPILERS: Libraries: cc . Application: cc
/bin/rm -f .lastmake.*
make -f Make_vanilla clean
make[3]: Entering directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/libraries'
/bin/rm -f *.o
make[3]: Leaving directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/libraries'
touch .lastmake.Make_vanilla
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cadd.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cdiv.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  ce_itheta.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cexp.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  clog.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cmplx.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cmul.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  conjg.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  csqrt.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  csub.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcadd.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcdiv.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dce_itheta.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcexp.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dclog.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcmplx.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcmul.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dconjg.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcsqrt.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dcsub.c
ar rcs complex.a cadd.o cdiv.o ce_itheta.o cexp.o clog.o cmplx.o cmul.o conjg.o csqrt.o csub.o dcadd.o dcdiv.o dce_itheta.o dcexp.o dclog.o dcmplx.o dcmul.o dconjg.o dcsqrt.o dcsub.o 
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  addmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  addvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cmp_ahmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_a_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_a_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_s_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  det_su3.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  clear_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dumpmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dumpvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  clearvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amatvec_s.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amatvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amatvec_ns.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mat_an.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mat_na.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mat_nn.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_matvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_matvec_ns.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_matvec_s.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  make_ahmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  rand_ahmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  realtr.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  complextr.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_a_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_a_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_s_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_s_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_sum_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_s_mat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3_adjoint.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3_dot.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3_rdot.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3_proj.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3mat_copy.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3vec_copy.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  submat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  subvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  trace_su3.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  uncmp_ahmat.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  msq_su3vec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  sub4vecs.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amv_4dir.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amv_4vec.c
m_amv_4vec.c: In function 'mult_adj_su3_mat_4vec':
m_amv_4vec.c:45:24: warning: iteration 3 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
m_amv_4vec.c:45:3: note: within this loop
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mv_s_4dir.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  flush_to_zero.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  l_su2_hit_n.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  r_su2_hit_a.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dumpsu2.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_su2_mat_vec_n.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_su2_mat_vec_a.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  gaussrand.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  byterevn.c
cc     -g -ffast-math -funroll-loops -c prefetch.c
ar rcs su3.a addmat.o addvec.o cmp_ahmat.o cs_m_a_vec.o cs_m_a_mat.o cs_m_s_vec.o cs_m_vec.o det_su3.o clear_mat.o dumpmat.o dumpvec.o clearvec.o m_amatvec_s.o m_amatvec.o m_amatvec_ns.o m_mat_an.o m_mat_na.o m_mat_nn.o m_matvec.o m_matvec_ns.o m_matvec_s.o make_ahmat.o rand_ahmat.o realtr.o complextr.o s_m_a_mat.o s_m_a_vec.o s_m_s_mat.o s_m_s_vec.o s_m_sum_vec.o s_m_vec.o s_m_mat.o cs_m_mat.o cs_m_s_mat.o su3_adjoint.o su3_dot.o su3_rdot.o su3_proj.o su3mat_copy.o su3vec_copy.o submat.o subvec.o trace_su3.o uncmp_ahmat.o msq_su3vec.o sub4vecs.o m_amv_4dir.o m_amv_4vec.o m_mv_s_4dir.o flush_to_zero.o l_su2_hit_n.o r_su2_hit_a.o dumpsu2.o m_su2_mat_vec_n.o m_su2_mat_vec_a.o gaussrand.o byterevn.o prefetch.o
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wp_shrink.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wp_grow.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wp_grow_a.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  dump_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  clear_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  su3_proj_w.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  copy_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  add_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  sub_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_hwvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  msq_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wvec_dot.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wvec2_dot.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wvec_rdot.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_a_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  s_m_atm_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  mb_gamma.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  mb_gamma_l.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  mb_gamma_r.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  mswvb_gamma_l.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  mswvb_gamma_r.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_a_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  cs_m_a_wvec2.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mat_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_mat_hwvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amat_wvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  m_amat_hwvec.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  grow4wvecs.c
cc     -c -O3 -g  -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DFAST  wp_shrink4.c
ar rcs su3.a wp_shrink.o wp_grow.o wp_grow_a.o dump_wvec.o clear_wvec.o su3_proj_w.o copy_wvec.o add_wvec.o sub_wvec.o s_m_wvec.o s_m_hwvec.o msq_wvec.o wvec_dot.o wvec2_dot.o wvec_rdot.o s_m_a_wvec.o s_m_atm_wvec.o mb_gamma.o mb_gamma_l.o mb_gamma_r.o mswvb_gamma_l.o mswvb_gamma_r.o cs_m_wvec.o cs_m_a_wvec.o cs_m_a_wvec2.o m_mat_wvec.o m_mat_hwvec.o m_amat_wvec.o m_amat_hwvec.o grow4wvecs.o wp_shrink4.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/libraries'
make[1]: .lastmake.Make_mpi.su3_rmd: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 18:00:00
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  control.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/f_meas.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  gauge_info.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  setup.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  update.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  update_h.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  update_u.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/layout_hyper_tstretch.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/check_unitarity.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/d_plaq4.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/gaugefix2.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/gauge_stuff.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/io_helpers.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/io_lat4.c 
../generic/io_lat4.c: In function 'qcdhdr_get_hdr':
../generic/io_lat4.c:188:11: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
     len = (int) q - (int) line;
../generic/io_lat4.c:188:21: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
     len = (int) q - (int) line;
../generic/io_lat4.c: In function 'read_gauge_hdr':
../generic/io_lat4.c:1316:37: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast]
        (char *)GAUGE_VERSION_NUMBER,(char *)tmp);
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/make_lattice.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/path_product.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/ploop3.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/ranmom.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/ranstuff.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/reunitarize2.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/grsource_imp.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/mat_invert.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/quark_stuff4.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/rephase.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/dslash_fn2.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic_ks/d_congrad5_fn.c
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/com_mpi.c 
cc    -c -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS  ../generic/io_ansi.c 
cc    -O3 -g   -O3 -g   -ffast-math -funroll-loops                 -DMPI -DINLINE -DNOPREFETCH -DCGTIME -DFFTIME -DLLTIME -DGFTIME -DMYNODE_INLINE    -I. -DFN -DCONGRAD_TMP_VECTORS -DDSLASH_TMP_LINKS      -o su3_rmd \
	control.o f_meas.o gauge_info.o setup.o update.o update_h.o update_u.o layout_hyper_tstretch.o check_unitarity.o d_plaq4.o gaugefix2.o gauge_stuff.o io_helpers.o io_lat4.o make_lattice.o path_product.o ploop3.o ranmom.o ranstuff.o reunitarize2.o grsource_imp.o mat_invert.o quark_stuff4.o rephase.o dslash_fn2.o d_congrad5_fn.o com_mpi.o io_ansi.o  ../libraries/su3.a ../libraries/complex.a   -lm
touch localmake
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/abc/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/milc-nsf/src/milc-nsf/ks_imp_dyn2'
if [[ ! -e su3_rmd ]] ; then
    echo "make failed"
    exit 1

mkdir -p $SW_BLDDIR/bin
cp su3_rmd $SW_BLDDIR/bin


############################### if this far, return 0
exit 0
/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/rebuild : passed (0)

[SSH] completed
[SSH] exit-status: 0

[SSH] script:


cd milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3

[SSH] executing...
Waiting for job 598708.jyc to start ... 
Submitted job 598708.jyc is running. Following .running ... 
SU3 with improved KS action
Microcanonical simulation with refreshing
MIMD version 6
Machine = MPI (portable), with 256 nodes
R algorithm
type 0 for no prompts  or 1 for prompts
nflavors1 4
nflavors2 4
nx 64
ny 64
nz 64
nt 64
iseed 5682304
LAYOUT = Hypercubes, options = EVENFIRST,
ON EACH NODE 16 x 16 x 16 x 16
Mallocing 73.9 MBytes per node for lattice
Made lattice
Made nn gathers
Made 3nn gathers
Finished setup

warms 0
trajecs 2
traj_between_meas 1
beta 5.6
mass1 0.01
mass2 0.01
u0 0.8441
microcanonical_time_step 0.02
steps_per_trajectory 8
max_cg_iterations 200
error_per_site 1e-05
error_for_propagator 0.0001
unit gauge configuration loaded
CHECK PLAQ: 3.000000e+00 3.000000e+00
Unitarity checked.  Max deviation 0.00e+00
Time to check unitarity = 3.010106e-02
Symanzik 1x1 + 1x2 + 1x1x1 action
loop coefficients: nloop rep loop_coeff  multiplicity
                    0 0      1.000000e+00     6
                    1 0      -7.762509e-02     12
                    2 0      -1.031171e-02     16
"O(a^2): couplings(pi)=0, Naik term, No O(a^2) errors, tadpole weights"
path coefficients: npath  path_coeff  multiplicity
                    0      6.250000e-01     8
                    1      -5.847914e-02     8
                    2      -8.771872e-02     48
                    3      3.077829e-02     192
                    4      -7.199552e-03     384
                    5      -1.231132e-01     48
LLTIME(long): time =  4.303761e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.747061e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.795274e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.944006e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.214690e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.805116e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.777232e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.959830e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.156668e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.844272e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.778782e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.958467e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.085227e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.454930e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.982436e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.906189e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.081560e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.480202e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.790875e-02 iters = 104 time/iter = 7.491226e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.707310e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.033392e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617027e+01 mflops = 7.862956e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.219739e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.801759e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764782e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.970798e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.122050e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.868159e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.761308e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.973866e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.206440e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.810617e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.755771e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.978762e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.080175e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.489795e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.919336e-02 iters = 104 time/iter = 6.653208e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.082221e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.475635e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.211100e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.164519e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.708510e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032491e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.611608e+01 mflops = 7.874754e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.086950e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.892792e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.759718e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.975271e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.175680e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.831322e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751694e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982372e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.119909e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.869650e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.765913e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969800e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.081227e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.482507e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.664565e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.600543e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.080697e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.486177e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.150761e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.106501e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709995e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031378e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.609954e+01 mflops = 7.878362e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.226260e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.797436e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764601e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.970958e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.153998e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.846100e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.757727e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.977032e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.112802e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.874609e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.770710e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965570e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.091665e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.482219e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.509869e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 1.437971e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.090467e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.490443e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.011727e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 9.635494e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.709055e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032083e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618194e+01 mflops = 7.860420e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.180951e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.827752e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.773034e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.963523e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.162941e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.839986e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.747092e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986453e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.166760e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.837383e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758496e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976352e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.091720e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.481843e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.582789e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 1.507418e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.093029e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.472887e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.456589e-02 iters = 105 time/iter = 7.101513e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.709082e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032063e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.610725e+01 mflops = 7.876680e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  3.969960e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.978039e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.777317e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.959755e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.206321e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.810697e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753917e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980403e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.134860e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859273e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751747e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982325e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.101798e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.484010e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.896519e-02 iters = 106 time/iter = 7.449546e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.102911e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.476458e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.115862e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.996097e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.710526e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030980e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.619114e+01 mflops = 7.858423e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.089000e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.891341e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.752327e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.981812e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.145012e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.852270e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.754744e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.979671e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.107480e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.878333e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758499e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976349e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.104967e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.462550e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.584549e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.494858e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.101034e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.489205e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.192424e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.124929e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709915e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031438e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.608734e+01 mflops = 7.881026e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  3.998761e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.956589e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.762789e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972558e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.174471e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.832142e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760571e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974517e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.165740e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.838078e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751467e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982574e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.109382e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.502975e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.850384e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 8.271387e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.114343e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.469568e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.646058e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 9.015008e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.706393e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.034082e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.613121e+01 mflops = 7.871457e+02
PLAQ:	2.658360	2.658338
P_LOOP:	3.906134e-01	-1.507364e-03
LLTIME(long): time =  4.152570e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.847079e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.748390e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.985301e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 9.475431e+00 iters = 91 mflops = 7.470903e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 4.603028e-02 iters = 91 time/iter = 5.058273e-04
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.142765e-03  5.259435e-03  9.211007e-05  8.879411e-05 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500418e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
CONGRAD5: time = 9.355118e+00 iters = 90 mflops = 7.483830e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.631572e-01 iters = 90 time/iter = 1.812858e-03
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.042681e-03  5.353270e-03  -1.212902e-04  -1.269964e-04 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.499398e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
LLTIME(long): time =  4.194181e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.818833e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.767416e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.968474e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.186060e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.824301e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.766288e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969469e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.153419e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.846497e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.779260e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.958047e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.108844e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.506610e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.064532e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 7.536946e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.117115e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.451031e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.896112e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 1.772067e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.712885e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029214e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617313e+01 mflops = 7.862336e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.067900e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.906338e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.773253e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.963331e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.158399e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.843088e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753409e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980853e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.175160e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.831675e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.746686e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986813e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.109981e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.498924e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.303545e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 2.152846e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.111206e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.490656e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 4.520106e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 4.224398e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.711327e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030380e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.609678e+01 mflops = 7.878966e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.069970e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.904861e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.759349e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.975597e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.159541e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.842307e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.767266e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.968607e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.118052e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.870944e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.757796e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976970e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.110663e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.494319e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.411867e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 1.319502e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.111133e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.491148e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.774449e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 6.331261e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.711140e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030520e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618360e+01 mflops = 7.860060e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.157710e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.843559e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.749246e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.984542e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.121652e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.868436e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.752749e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.981438e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.188251e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.822823e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.747577e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986023e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.121373e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.492113e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.270370e-01 iters = 108 time/iter = 1.176269e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.123462e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.478179e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.953786e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 8.290542e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.712432e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029553e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617156e+01 mflops = 7.862677e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.135990e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.858492e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760323e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974736e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.139211e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.856268e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.742604e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.990437e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.134960e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859204e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.770486e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965768e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.123534e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.477703e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 5.895257e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 5.458571e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.122874e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.482096e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.328415e-01 iters = 108 time/iter = 2.155940e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709774e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031543e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618172e+01 mflops = 7.860468e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.258571e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.776212e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.771053e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965268e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.148760e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.849694e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753986e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980342e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.170539e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.834812e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753891e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980426e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.121851e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.488918e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.945273e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 9.208586e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.131576e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.493306e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.051679e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 9.648428e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.712257e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029684e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.601905e+01 mflops = 7.895968e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.163988e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.839272e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.765886e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969824e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.177928e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.829799e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760120e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974916e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.109318e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.877045e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.763005e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972367e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.135030e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.470503e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.424673e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 1.307039e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.132835e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.484974e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.677067e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 1.538594e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.708996e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032127e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.614408e+01 mflops = 7.868654e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.193320e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.819411e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.769289e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.966823e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.148521e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.849857e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764398e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.971137e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.133880e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859951e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.762546e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972772e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.146634e+01 iters = 110 mflops = 7.462742e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.589189e-01 iters = 110 time/iter = 1.444717e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.141128e+01 iters = 110 mflops = 7.498751e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.666589e-02 iters = 110 time/iter = 6.060535e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.705900e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.034452e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.608735e+01 mflops = 7.881025e+02
PLAQ:	2.443139	2.443152
P_LOOP:	6.489087e-02	-2.986151e-03
LLTIME(long): time =  4.150450e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.848533e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758545e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976308e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 9.665207e+00 iters = 93 mflops = 7.485183e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.197927e-02 iters = 93 time/iter = 9.890244e-04
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.879080e-03  5.866801e-03  5.882369e-05  6.414428e-05 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500385e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
CONGRAD5: time = 9.690889e+00 iters = 93 mflops = 7.465347e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.176317e-01 iters = 93 time/iter = 1.264857e-03
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.840848e-03  5.897290e-03  1.105854e-04  1.071485e-04 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500023e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
average cg iters for step= 2.130000e+02
total_iters = 3778
NERSC_TIME 1800.136 secs

exit: Sat Dec 18 08:52:07 2021

Application 1111166 resources: utime ~449809s, stime ~11647s, Rss ~285272, inblocks ~1079589, outblocks ~161669
Displaying test.log:
/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/retest : batch submitted (2)
SU3 with improved KS action
Microcanonical simulation with refreshing
MIMD version 6
Machine = MPI (portable), with 256 nodes
R algorithm
type 0 for no prompts  or 1 for prompts
nflavors1 4
nflavors2 4
nx 64
ny 64
nz 64
nt 64
iseed 5682304
LAYOUT = Hypercubes, options = EVENFIRST,
ON EACH NODE 16 x 16 x 16 x 16
Mallocing 73.9 MBytes per node for lattice
Made lattice
Made nn gathers
Made 3nn gathers
Finished setup

warms 0
trajecs 2
traj_between_meas 1
beta 5.6
mass1 0.01
mass2 0.01
u0 0.8441
microcanonical_time_step 0.02
steps_per_trajectory 8
max_cg_iterations 200
error_per_site 1e-05
error_for_propagator 0.0001
unit gauge configuration loaded
CHECK PLAQ: 3.000000e+00 3.000000e+00
Unitarity checked.  Max deviation 0.00e+00
Time to check unitarity = 3.010106e-02
Symanzik 1x1 + 1x2 + 1x1x1 action
loop coefficients: nloop rep loop_coeff  multiplicity
                    0 0      1.000000e+00     6
                    1 0      -7.762509e-02     12
                    2 0      -1.031171e-02     16
"O(a^2): couplings(pi)=0, Naik term, No O(a^2) errors, tadpole weights"
path coefficients: npath  path_coeff  multiplicity
                    0      6.250000e-01     8
                    1      -5.847914e-02     8
                    2      -8.771872e-02     48
                    3      3.077829e-02     192
                    4      -7.199552e-03     384
                    5      -1.231132e-01     48
LLTIME(long): time =  4.303761e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.747061e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.795274e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.944006e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.214690e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.805116e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.777232e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.959830e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.156668e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.844272e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.778782e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.958467e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.085227e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.454930e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.982436e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.906189e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.081560e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.480202e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.790875e-02 iters = 104 time/iter = 7.491226e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.707310e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.033392e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617027e+01 mflops = 7.862956e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.219739e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.801759e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764782e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.970798e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.122050e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.868159e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.761308e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.973866e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.206440e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.810617e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.755771e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.978762e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.080175e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.489795e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.919336e-02 iters = 104 time/iter = 6.653208e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.082221e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.475635e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.211100e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.164519e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.708510e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032491e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.611608e+01 mflops = 7.874754e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.086950e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.892792e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.759718e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.975271e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.175680e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.831322e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751694e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982372e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.119909e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.869650e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.765913e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969800e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.081227e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.482507e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.664565e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.600543e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.080697e+01 iters = 104 mflops = 7.486177e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.150761e-01 iters = 104 time/iter = 1.106501e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709995e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031378e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.609954e+01 mflops = 7.878362e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.226260e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.797436e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764601e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.970958e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.153998e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.846100e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.757727e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.977032e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.112802e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.874609e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.770710e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965570e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.091665e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.482219e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.509869e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 1.437971e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.090467e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.490443e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.011727e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 9.635494e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.709055e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032083e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618194e+01 mflops = 7.860420e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.180951e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.827752e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.773034e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.963523e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.162941e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.839986e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.747092e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986453e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.166760e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.837383e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758496e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976352e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.091720e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.481843e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.582789e-01 iters = 105 time/iter = 1.507418e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.093029e+01 iters = 105 mflops = 7.472887e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.456589e-02 iters = 105 time/iter = 7.101513e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.709082e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032063e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.610725e+01 mflops = 7.876680e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  3.969960e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.978039e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.777317e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.959755e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.206321e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.810697e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753917e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980403e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.134860e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859273e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751747e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982325e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.101798e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.484010e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 7.896519e-02 iters = 106 time/iter = 7.449546e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.102911e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.476458e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.115862e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.996097e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.710526e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030980e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.619114e+01 mflops = 7.858423e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.089000e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.891341e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.752327e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.981812e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.145012e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.852270e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.754744e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.979671e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.107480e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.878333e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758499e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976349e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.104967e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.462550e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.584549e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.494858e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.101034e+01 iters = 106 mflops = 7.489205e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.192424e-01 iters = 106 time/iter = 1.124929e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709915e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031438e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.608734e+01 mflops = 7.881026e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  3.998761e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.956589e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.762789e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972558e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.174471e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.832142e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760571e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974517e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.165740e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.838078e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.751467e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.982574e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.109382e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.502975e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.850384e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 8.271387e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.114343e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.469568e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.646058e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 9.015008e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.706393e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.034082e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.613121e+01 mflops = 7.871457e+02
PLAQ:	2.658360	2.658338
P_LOOP:	3.906134e-01	-1.507364e-03
LLTIME(long): time =  4.152570e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.847079e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.748390e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.985301e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 9.475431e+00 iters = 91 mflops = 7.470903e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 4.603028e-02 iters = 91 time/iter = 5.058273e-04
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.142765e-03  5.259435e-03  9.211007e-05  8.879411e-05 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500418e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
CONGRAD5: time = 9.355118e+00 iters = 90 mflops = 7.483830e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.631572e-01 iters = 90 time/iter = 1.812858e-03
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.042681e-03  5.353270e-03  -1.212902e-04  -1.269964e-04 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.499398e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
LLTIME(long): time =  4.194181e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.818833e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.767416e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.968474e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.186060e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.824301e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.766288e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969469e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.153419e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.846497e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.779260e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.958047e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.108844e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.506610e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.064532e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 7.536946e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.117115e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.451031e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.896112e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 1.772067e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.712885e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029214e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617313e+01 mflops = 7.862336e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.067900e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.906338e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.773253e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.963331e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.158399e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.843088e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753409e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980853e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.175160e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.831675e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.746686e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986813e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.109981e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.498924e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.303545e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 2.152846e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.111206e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.490656e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 4.520106e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 4.224398e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.711327e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030380e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.609678e+01 mflops = 7.878966e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.069970e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.904861e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.759349e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.975597e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.159541e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.842307e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.767266e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.968607e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.118052e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.870944e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.757796e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976970e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.110663e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.494319e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.411867e-01 iters = 107 time/iter = 1.319502e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.111133e+01 iters = 107 mflops = 7.491148e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.774449e-02 iters = 107 time/iter = 6.331261e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.711140e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.030520e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618360e+01 mflops = 7.860060e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.157710e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.843559e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.749246e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.984542e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.121652e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.868436e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.752749e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.981438e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.188251e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.822823e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.747577e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.986023e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.121373e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.492113e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.270370e-01 iters = 108 time/iter = 1.176269e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.123462e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.478179e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 8.953786e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 8.290542e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.712432e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029553e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.617156e+01 mflops = 7.862677e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.135990e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.858492e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760323e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974736e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.139211e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.856268e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.742604e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.990437e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.134960e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859204e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.770486e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965768e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.123534e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.477703e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 5.895257e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 5.458571e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.122874e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.482096e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 2.328415e-01 iters = 108 time/iter = 2.155940e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.709774e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.031543e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.618172e+01 mflops = 7.860468e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.258571e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.776212e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.771053e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.965268e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.148760e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.849694e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753986e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980342e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.170539e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.834812e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.753891e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.980426e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.121851e+01 iters = 108 mflops = 7.488918e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.945273e-02 iters = 108 time/iter = 9.208586e-04
CONGRAD5: time = 1.131576e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.493306e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.051679e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 9.648428e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.712257e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.029684e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.601905e+01 mflops = 7.895968e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.163988e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.839272e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.765886e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.969824e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.177928e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.829799e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.760120e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.974916e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.109318e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.877045e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.763005e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972367e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.135030e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.470503e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.424673e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 1.307039e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.132835e+01 iters = 109 mflops = 7.484974e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.677067e-01 iters = 109 time/iter = 1.538594e-03
GFTIME:   time = 2.708996e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.032127e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.614408e+01 mflops = 7.868654e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.193320e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.819411e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.769289e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.966823e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.148521e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.849857e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.764398e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.971137e+02
LLTIME(long): time =  4.133880e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.859951e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.762546e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.972772e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 1.146634e+01 iters = 110 mflops = 7.462742e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.589189e-01 iters = 110 time/iter = 1.444717e-03
CONGRAD5: time = 1.141128e+01 iters = 110 mflops = 7.498751e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 6.666589e-02 iters = 110 time/iter = 6.060535e-04
GFTIME:   time = 2.705900e+01 (Symanzik1) mflops = -2.034452e-01
FFTIME:  time = 3.608735e+01 mflops = 7.881025e+02
PLAQ:	2.443139	2.443152
P_LOOP:	6.489087e-02	-2.986151e-03
LLTIME(long): time =  4.150450e-01 (Naik) mflops = 2.848533e+02
LLTIME(Fat): time = 6.758545e+00 (Asqtad opt) mflops = 5.976308e+02
CONGRAD5: time = 9.665207e+00 iters = 93 mflops = 7.485183e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 9.197927e-02 iters = 93 time/iter = 9.890244e-04
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.879080e-03  5.866801e-03  5.882369e-05  6.414428e-05 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500385e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
CONGRAD5: time = 9.690889e+00 iters = 93 mflops = 7.465347e+02
TESTCONG: reduce_time = 1.176317e-01 iters = 93 time/iter = 1.264857e-03
PBP: mass 1.000000e-02     5.840848e-03  5.897290e-03  1.105854e-04  1.071485e-04 ( 1 of 1 )
FACTION: mass = 1.000000e-02,  1.500023e+00 ( 1 of 1 )
average cg iters for step= 2.130000e+02
total_iters = 3778
NERSC_TIME 1800.136 secs

exit: Sat Dec 18 08:52:07 2021

Application 1111166 resources: utime ~449809s, stime ~11647s, Rss ~285272, inblocks ~1079589, outblocks ~161669
Displaying status file:

[SSH] completed
[SSH] exit-status: 0

[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ scp JYC_REMOTE:/scratch/system/bwjenkins/tests/milc-nsf/v1/cle5.2_gnu4.9.3/wallclock /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MILC/workspace
Recording plot data
Saving plot series data from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MILC/workspace/wallclock
Finished: SUCCESS