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#20 (Sep 1, 2016, 7:37:58 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: fix location of .running file
    roland.haas / detail

#18 (Sep 1, 2016, 7:11:22 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: produce .running file in expected location
    roland.haas / detail

#11 (Aug 30, 2016, 7:26:19 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: use system rsync rather than eschnett's
    roland.haas / detail

#10 (Aug 30, 2016, 7:21:19 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: use SW_WORKDIR for basedir rather than /scratch
    roland.haas / detail

#6 (Aug 30, 2016, 6:14:58 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: build empty thornlist to speed up compile
    roland.haas / detail
  2. EinsteinToolkit: print build log to screen as well as capture to file
    roland.haas / detail
  3. EinsteinToolkit: handle GNU tar's exit codes properly
    roland.haas / detail

#4 (Aug 30, 2016, 5:18:43 PM)

  1. EinsteinToolkit: run only a single test for debugging
    roland.haas / detail
  2. EinsteinToolkit: update after testing off-line outside of Jenkins
    roland.haas / detail
  3. EinsteinToolkit: fix typo in source tarball path
    roland.haas / detail
  4. EinsteinToolkit: add glue to make swtools work with test job
    roland.haas / detail